Establishing a good variety of values within an oil painting is just as important. However, the added element of hue and the possibilities within it, make it harder for the novice painter to discern different values among changing colors. This is because certain colors have intrinsic values different than others.
Mounting a good set of values that spans from dark to light is one of the key elements of art. When working in pencil or charcoal, it is easier to recognize the scale of values because of the monochromatic qualities of drawing.
If you would like to process your understanding of values through painting, all you need to do is simplify. In as much as it is easier to discern different values in pencil because of the elimination of color, it too is easier to learn the same while oil painting just by simplifying the palette to a monochromatic one.
Mounting a good set of values that spans from dark to light is one of the key elements of art. When working in pencil or charcoal, it is easier to recognize the scale of values because of the monochromatic qualities of drawing.
If you would like to process your understanding of values through painting, all you need to do is simplify. In as much as it is easier to discern different values in pencil because of the elimination of color, it too is easier to learn the same while oil painting just by simplifying the palette to a monochromatic one.